Linda Kuiper

Attorney, Business and Real Estate at CunninghamLegal

Attorney Linda Kuiper has extensive experience in business and real estate matters for owners, lenders, tenants, trustees, families, and individuals. Along with the highly skilled Business & Real Estate team at CunninghamLegal, she specializes in analyzing and documenting business structures and real estate transactions, particularly for the ownership, operation, and sale of commercial property.

When Linda evaluates short or long term planning for families and individuals, she enjoys helping them build a succession plan to transfer wealth to loved ones, friends, and charities. Her diverse legal background and training in dispute resolution gives her a balanced approach designed to unify parties, protect clients’ interests, and above all, complete the transaction, of whatever kind it may be. Throughout the process, her goal is to “help clients fulfill their business and personal legacies”.

Broad Legal Background

Linda completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Honors Political Science at the University of Michigan in three years, while serving on various academic and social boards, and spending a semester as a Teaching Assistant. She received the Alumni Honor Trophy. She earned her Juris Doctor from Boston University School of Law, where she edited the International Law Journal and designed an interactive legal training module as a paid intern for the Assistant Dean. Linda has taken courses in the Master of Business Taxation Program at the University of Southern California, as well as the Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine Law School. Her professional training also includes Elder Mediation, Family Mediation, and Eldercaring Coordination Dispute Resolution Training.

Loves the Challenges of Legacy Planning

Linda reports that the intellectual challenge of legacy planning holds special appeal for her. “I love taking a complicated set of facts or documents and finding creative solutions. Often this means thinking through future issues by carefully evaluating and implementing the business and real estate aspects of an Estate Planning, Probate, or Trust Administration matter.” Her decades of personal experience helping alongside family and friends battling cancer, or those experiencing various forms of cognitive impairment, give Linda a unique understanding and compassion for elder law issues and their impact on families. On the intellectual side, she prides herself on her ability to “analyze and document business structures and real estate transactions with a balanced approach to complete the matter while building collegial relationships with the other parties.” Linda enjoys serving families, trustees, and individuals along with the firm’s other outstanding Business & Real Estate department staff members and attorneys.

She mentions one especially complex case that drew on much of her skill set: “Our client was a Californian living abroad who became Trustee of a grandparent’s trust after his parent passed away during litigation over trust assets. Meanwhile another family member, who was from a third country, passed away while living with one of her children in another U.S. state. The family had local and international residences, as well as investment real estate at various stages of development. There were disputes among multiple family members who were represented by no less than five law firms.

“After a settlement agreement was reached, one disgruntled family member challenged the settlement in court. We then implemented an interim agreement, eventually amended the settlement agreement in private mediation, and resolved a myriad of post-settlement disputes. With the exception of the litigious family member, all family members remained on good terms throughout the settlement process.”

Regardless of the challenges, Linda’s personal and professional experience have given her an empathetic understanding of the decisions families and individuals face as they plan for the future and implement their legacy. “It is incredibly satisfying as an attorney to be thanked by clients, and their loved ones, for efforts to protect their interests and implement their legacy through careful evaluation and planning.”

Dedicated to the Community

Serving her community locally and regionally is important to Linda, and she has volunteered for many years with Special Olympics, Channel Islands National Park, Boy Scouts of America, and the Cancer Support Community. She has also coached and mentored students in mock trial, basketball, First Lego League, Eagle Scout advancement, live theater programs, and a World Affairs Club.

Family Life

Linda is based out of our Westlake Village office. She has two wonderful young adult children who are EU citizens but also seventh generation Californians: a daughter who is in a post-graduate program abroad, and a son who attends college in California. Favorite family outings include hiking, live music, art films, national parks, foodie road trips, and attending services. On weekends, she enjoys walking their dog, Farmers’ Markets, volunteering, listening to the BBC, and visiting with friends and extended family.

Contact Us Today

You can get assistance from Linda Kuiper and our full team of attorneys with our complete range of practice areas through any of our offices across Northern and Southern California. We offer in-person, phone, and Zoom appointments. Request an appointment online or call (866) 988-3956.

At CunninghamLegal, we guide savvy, caring families in the protection and transfer of multi-generational wealth.

Attorney Linda Kuiper

Contact us today for a consultation!