Managing Partner at CunninghamLegal

Attorney Tasha Jahn might be described as the calm within the storm. Certainly, she uses her trademark level-headed sensibility every day as Managing Partner and as she helps our clients with Estate Planning and Trust Administration at CunninghamLegal.

Prior to earning her LL.M (Master of Laws) in Estate Planning from The John Marshall Law School, Tasha obtained her Juris Doctor from Western State College of Law. Finding her calling early in life, she says she was influenced by the law classes she took as an undergrad at University of the Pacific, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Music Business.

Earning her LL.M was no easy feat given that by this time, she was already a mom of three: “It was quite a task to raise little ones while going to law school again to obtain my LL.M in Estate Planning. The end of that long journey was quite a proud moment.” That she managed to do it is a testament to her will, work ethic, and yes, calm ability to keep it together under challenging circumstances.

As part of her varied career in estate planning, Tasha has worked with estates from $100,000 to $60,000,000 in value, including planning in Medi-Cal, marital deduction, irrevocable trusts, life insurance, charitable, grantor retained interests, intentionally defective grantor trusts, property taxes, and IRS Form 709 completion or review. Tasha has extensive experience with complex trust administration including wealth transfer tax issues, taxable estates, and IRS Form 706 completion or review.

Giving Back

Of course, when you have an attorney as valuable and as generous as Tasha, you have to share her a bit, and we are pleased that she does a considerable amount of pro bono work: “I am in my sixth year as a board member for the Estate Planning and Probate Section of the Placer County Bar Association. Within this organization, we have established a pro bono clinic with Legal Services of Northern California, where I also volunteer as an attorney.”

In addition, she works with the National Charity League, a national non-profit she describes as “comprised of mothers and daughters who are committed to community service, leadership development, and cultural experiences.”

Planning, Preserving, and Problem Solving

Making a long-term impact for families is a rewarding experience. “Whether it is farm land, vineyards, or a long-held family business—working with the entire family in wealth preservation and tax planning connects you emotionally to multiple generations to hold and preserve family assets.”

Tasha says it’s the ability to problem-solve for her clients in their hour of need that makes all those extra years of law school well worth it: “Pre-planning for Medi-Cal eligibility and preservation of assets is an area of practice that is so rewarding. The same goes for a client that has a child with special needs. We are setting them up for life to have the right people in charge of their assets and consistency in care.”

Tasha says it’s the ability to problem-solve for her clients in their hour of need that makes all those extra years of law school well worth it.

Tasha says if she has any advice for clients thinking about making plans for their estate, the key is not to put it off. Here’s why she says overcoming fear to create a plan is so crucial: “We can’t anticipate what life will bring us. It’s so important to create a plan and work with experts to carry it through.”

Tasha also plays a key role in making sure the clients of CunninghamLegal are well-versed in estate planning law and all its subsets. “We believe knowledge is power,” she explains. “We strive to consistently educate our clients and communities with seminars, webinars, videos, and blogs.”

If you’ve ever watched any of her webinars, you know that Tasha is an excellent instructor as well as an accomplished lawyer.

In addition to making sure her clients stay on top of things, Tasha says the CunninghamLegal team is just as diligent in making sure they themselves stay on top of the law. “We put a large emphasis on continuously educating our staff as well,” she emphasizes. “Laws and trends are always changing, which often affects estate plans. As a team, we constantly work to place each individual client in the best possible position. It is value we give, every day as a team – knowing what’s important and making it happen.

Providing Peace of Mind

Tasha was heavily influenced to enter the field by her own family, as she explains: “I’ve been an attorney since 2006. When my husband and I started a family, I felt drawn to the area of estate planning, trust administration, probate, special needs planning, elder care, and really wanted to focus on that area!”

For one small moment in time I get to have a glimpse into individuals’ unique stories. It is an honor to help clients with their planning needs and guide loved ones through the path of administering estates.

It’s a position she clearly approaches with reverence and a sense of privilege: “For one small moment in time I get to have a glimpse into individuals’ unique stories. It is an honor to help clients with their planning needs and guide loved ones through the path of administering estates.”

Though Tasha is there to help with her clients’ legal concerns, her role sometimes looks more like that of a good therapist: “It is a unique relationship I get to experience with my clients, where fears and uncertainty are openly communicated. I take it all in and make sure my clients have a plan that works for their unique situation and provides peace of mind.”

Sports and Courts

Passionate as she is about helping families plan for their futures, one of her great joys is watching her own family move towards theirs. “I love to watch and cheer on my three children in sports, visit the mountains to be with extended family, and of course, play tennis! I play tennis on multiple teams in the Placer County area.” Swimming has also long been an important part of Tasha’s life. Indeed, Tasha donates her time as a USA Swim Official.

When not near a pool or slamming volleys, Tasha and her family love grabbing a bite at the Chef’s Table in Rocklin or taking advantage of the Johnson Ranch Sports Club in Roseville. She also happens to be a serious oboist!

Whether on the court or in the office, Tasha clearly sees her practice as more than just a job. “I chose this area of law. I love what I do, but I also think it chose me.”

Contact Us Today

Tasha K. Jahn and our full team of attorneys can help you with advanced Estate, Trust, and Tax Planning from any of our offices throughout Northern and Southern California. We offer in-person, phone, and Zoom appointments. Request an appointment online or call (866) 988-3956.

At CunninghamLegal, we guide savvy, caring families in the protection and transfer of multi-generational wealth.

Contact us today for a consultation!