How to Fund a Living Trust – AVOID PROBATE

Knowing how to fund a Living Trust in California is vital to avoid COSTLY probate! Don’t treat your Living Estate like a legal junk drawer—make sure you have what you need in there! Even with a small estate, you can potentially LOSE MILLIONS if you don’t fund your Living Trust correctly as probate fees can really add up quickly!

Correctly funding a Living Trust – where you transfer assets from your name and put them into the name of the trust—is a crucial part of estate planning.

Only an estate planning expert—not a generalist—can show you where the LOST OPPORTUNITIES are to hold on to your money.

In this legal webinar we talk about eight big mistakes people make when funding their living trust including:

• Not putting a house in a Living Trust

• Not putting properties back in a Living Trust after refinancing

• Not putting checking and savings accounts in a Living Trust

• Not naming a Living Trust as beneficiaries of life insurance policies

• Not putting small business interests in a Living Trust

• Not putting annuities in a Living Trust

• Not putting brokerage accounts in a Living Trust

• Not using an IRA Legacy Trust

In this legal webinar, Estate Planning and Trust Administration Attorney, James L. Cunningham from CunninghamLegal shares how to fund a Living Trust so you can avoid probate!

Replay the webinar!

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