Estate Planning for INCAPACITY – Passing the Torch

If your parents suddenly became incapacitated, would you know how to access their bank accounts? Do you know what’s in their living trust? Parents–would your children know what to do if you became incapacitated?

Though people often think of death when it comes to estate planning, few realize that most of us will become incapacitated at some point. Not preparing for incapacity could bring dire consequences.

This informative legal webinar will cover what you must know about how to handle an estate in the case of incapacity. For example:

  • Do you know where your parents’ advance health care directive is? Is it current?
  • Do you know how to access it? Do you know how to access other documents? Bank accounts?
  • Do your parents have long-term care insurance? Has it been reviewed in past five years?
  • Do your children have this information?

California estate planning attorneys James L. Cunningham and Conner J. Clemons go over the basics of preparing for incapacity in this legal webinar.

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Estate Planning for INCAPACITY - Passing the Torch