INSIDER Stock Market Analysis with Phil Blancato

Wondering what to expect in 2022? Join our own California Estate Planning Attorney, Jim Cunningham and Christina Lindsey Orta of Ascent Wealth Management for an insightful and exclusive conversation with market strategist, Philip Blancato, CEO of Ladenburg Thalmann Asset Management, as he sorts through the shifting landscape of the global economy, market fundamentals and the impact from Wall Street to Main Street. Phil is respected throughout the industry as a dynamic thought leader who appears frequently on CNBC and is often quoted in The Wall Street Journal. Don’t miss his unique insights and timely guidance!

Among the many topics we discuss in this legal webinar are:

  • The economy and COVID are still tied together—what does that mean?
  • How the supply chain is affecting the economy and why it’s getting better.
  • What part does the Delta variant play in the economy and why was it a good thing for the economy?
  • Why the spending that didn’t happen in the third quarter of 2021 will happen in the fourth.
  • When will we get back to “normal” and what does that mean?
  • What are permanent aspects of the economy vs. transitory aspects?
  • How the federal government’s bond buying affects the economy.
  • How long will inflation last? Is it here to stay?
  • How does the “velocity” of money affect the economy?
  • Can the economy now stand on its own two feet without the printing of money by the government?
  • Why a strong consumer is the biggest key to economic success, globally and domestically.
  • How the labor market affects the economy.
  • What is stagflation?
  • What is good inflation?
  • The state of the S&P 500 and what happens if the Fed missteps.
  • Tax law changes
  • When we will be “done” with COVID?

Watch this crucial legal webinar to find out why you need a great “A-Team” to handle Estate and Financial Planning!

Replay the webinar!

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